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The Honda Monkey saw the light of day in 1960. The name of this machine came about because of the sitting position you adopt on this motorbike.
As early as the 1960s, the Honda company maintained an amusement park called "Tama Tech" near the later Suzuka Formula 1 race track. Visitors could see the company's products there in person during a visit. Surprisingly, this "bonsaibike" met with so much interest from visitors to the amusement park that the company decided to build a small series of about 15 examples of the Z100-named "monkey" and present these prototypes to visitors at the Frankfurt IFMA and London's Earl's Court.
The fan community of this mini-bike is huge worldwide. It can also be found again and again on journeys. Be it as shopping mopeds at the rear of motorhomes or as actual touring motorbikes (which has already been proven several times).
The MOONK is an interpretation of WIL-D that would love to take you all the way to the moon like a rocket.

Also available in wild colours!
For example in "Super Sport MOONKini" or " "Hidden MOONK".